A backtest of Robot Quant's current trading strategy between Mar 23, 2021 and Mar 23, 2024.
Backtest 4's performance is almost the same as Backtest 3's. The main difference between the two tests is that while the latter trades $50,000.00, the former trades $1,000.00.
Please click on any of the links below to see the other backtests:
Robot Quant Backtest 1 Backtest 1 shows the expected performance -- an average annual ROI of 36.97% -- for an account trading $50,000.00. The average annual ROI for accounts trading at least $1,000.00 ranges between 24.63% and 40.49%. In general, the more the amount of money traded, the higher the ROI.
Robot Quant Backtest 2 Backtest 2 shows the expected performance -- an average annual ROI of 33.29% -- for an account trading $1,000.00.
Robot Quant Backtest 3 Backtest 3 shows the expected perfomance -- an average annual ROI of 17.26% -- for accounts trading only BTC. In general, the amount of money traded doesn't significantly change the ROI.
Robot Quant Backtests Robot Quant Backtests 1, 2, 3, and 4 show you what to expect if you use Robot Quant's BUY and SELL trading signals to trade stocks and or Bitcoin.
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